Future Hit Music!!!!
Just a brief history of my predictions: I predicted Natile Imbruglia 3 weeks before it was popular. I went to NRM and asked for it and they hadn't even heard of them yet! Same with Chumbawaba, 2 1/2 weeks just to name a few (the best of course). So if i predict something will be set at the "popular" standards, it probably will be. So go out and buy these!!!! OR just get em on mp3.
1. Robbie Williams: "Millenium" Great Song- Hailed by critics to be "Next Elton John" except i dont think Robbie's Gay.
2. 702: "Where my Girls at?" I find myself singing this frequently..
3. Limp Bizkit: "Nookie" all i have to say is... "like a chump (played)"
4. Blink 182: "Whats My Age Again" awesome song and video.
5. Smash Mouth: "All Star" another very catchy song.
6. Jamariquoi: "Canned Heat" dancing song
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